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  6. Cuchillas para cortatubos - plástico

Cuchillas para cortatubos - plástico

Cutter Wheels
Cuchillas para cortatubos - plástico


Nº de cat.Código do itemStandard Pack[1]REED CutterBlade Exposure[2]Application
TC56QPP-R0415912TC5Q, TC6Q, TC8Q0.74418.9CPVC; PP-R, including Aquatherm®
OP20418012TC1Q; TC1.6Q; TC2Q; T10; T15; T200.2556.5ABS; PE; PEX; PP; PEX/AL/PEX
1-2PVC0418412TC1Q; TC1.6Q; TC2Q; T10; T15; T200.2556.5ABS; PVC; CPVC; PVDF
30-40P0419012TC3Q; TC4Q; TC5Q; TC6Q0.3438.7ABS; PE; PP
680PVC0419212TC6Q; TC8Q0.57514.6PVC-Standard & Heavy Wall; CPVC; PP
3-6PVC0419412TC3Q; TC4Q; TC5Q; TC6Q0.3779.6ABS; 3"-6" PVC; 4" Heavy Wall; CPVC
6QP0419812TC3Q; TC4Q; TC5Q; TC6Q; TC8Q0.55014.0Thick Wall PE
80P0419912TC6Q; TC8Q0.75019.1ABS; HDPE; PE up to .75" Thick (19 mm)

Cutter wheels sold to distributors in standard package quantities only!


Blade Exposure determines wall thickness capacity of cutter wheel.