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Cuchillas para cortatubos

Cutter Wheels
Cuchillas para cortatubos


Nº de cat.Código do itemStandard Pack[1]REED CutterBlade Exposure[2]Application
R1032/S03532125301PD; 5401TMSO0.45011.4Steel; Stainless Steel; Schedule 80
2RBS03612122-1; 2-1Q; 2-4WG; 2-3; 2-3Q; 2-4; 5301PD; 5401TMSO0.3007.6Steel; Stainless Steel; Galvanized Steel
2RBHD03613122-1; 2-1Q; 2-4WG; 2-3; 2-3Q; 2-4; 5301PD; 5401TMSO0.2967.5HD for Steel; Stainless Steel; Galvanized Steel
2RBCI03624122-1; 2-1Q; 2-4WG; 2-3; 2-3Q; 2-40.1543.9Cast Iron
3RG0361644-1; 4-3; 4-4; 4-4WG0.39910.1Steel; Stainless Steel
3RGCI0361744-1; 4-3; 4-4; 4-4WG0.2857.2Cast Iron; Ductile Iron

Cutter wheels sold to distributors in standard package quantities only!


Blade Exposure determines wall thickness capacity of cutter wheel.

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