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5301PD Power Drive

5301PD Power Drive


  • Durable units for power drive functions.
  • 5301PD can be combined with REED's RG6S or RGCOMBO2 for power rolling.


Catalog No.Item CodeDescriptionCapacityGross Weight
in-nom.actual O.D. mmlbskg
5301PD05301Power Drive 38 RPM, 120V with Footswitch only1/8 - 2 Pipe
1/4 - 2 Bolt
3 - 50 Pipe
6 - 50 Bolt


NOTE: 5301PD Power Drives ship via truck freight.

More Information

REED 5301PD Power Drive rotates the pipe while cutting, threading, or reaming operations are performed on up to 2” diameter pipe or bolt. The flat housing top provides a convenient workspace.


5301PD is approved to US and CSA Canada standards.

Exclusive Feature Truck Freight Required Video Training

Flat top of housing is ideal for placing tools. 5301PD includes long-lasting high speed steel (HSS) dies, not alloy dies. All steel oiler (not plastic) with 60” (not 54”) hose included with COMP units.


The complete collection of Reed Training Videos can be found under the Resources menu.

Power Threading with 5301PD
