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PLAS In-Line Rotary Pipe Cutters

PLAS2 - also represents PLAS2PE
PLAS In-Line Rotary Pipe Cutters


  • Safe to use as it creates no dust and chips fall where they are cut. There is no danger of chips being blown well into pipe.
  • Only 6"-8" clearance needed to turn PLAS tool around pipe.
  • Cuts out-of-round pipe because of spring loaded nuts.
  • With PVC models, simultaneously cut and bevel PVC using cut-off blade and bevel blade.
  • Durable yet economical tool for use on main lines or transmission lines to cut for a tie-in or pipe break and then get the line back in use. Reduce overall labor costs!


Catalog No.Item CodePipe CapacitySections UsedApplicationWeight
in-nom.actual O.D. mmlbskg
PLAS1044706 - 12160 - 335A, B, CPVC Sch. 40, PVC C900 & C905, CPVC5223.6
PLAS1PE044746 - 12160 - 335A, B, CPE, HDPE5223.6
PLAS20447514 - 18355 - 500B, C (2), DPVC Sch. 40, PVC C900 & C905, CPVC5725.9
PLAS2PE0447714 - 18355 - 500B, C (2), DPE, HDPE5725.9
PLAS30448014 - 24355 - 630B, C (3), DPVC Sch. 40, PVC C900 & C905, CPVC6228.2
PLAS3PE0448314 - 24355 - 630B, C (3), DPE, HDPE6228.2
PLAS40448514 - 28355 - 800B, C (4), DPVC Sch. 40, PVC C900 & C905, CPVC6830.9
PLAS4PE0448714 - 28355- 800B, C (4), DPE, HDPE6830.9

More Information

PLAS In-Line Rotary Cutters are excellent for cutting PVC or PE pipe in trench or above ground. Each PLAS rotary cutter needs just 6” to 8” (153 - 203 mm) clearance around the pipe, making them easy to operate in trench and with lower prep costs. Outboard rollers keep the cutter aligned on pipe, ensuring a square cut every time. Each PLAS cutter also can produce, in-line with the cut, a 15° bevel on both sides of the pipe using bevel blade PLAS4B*. For cutting PVC pipe, the long-lasting carbide-tipped blades penetrate up to a 2” wall thickness. For cutting PE pipe**, REED developed a hardened, tool steel blade for best cutting results. The engineered blade tip drives chips out of the way while cutting PE. PLAS In-Line Rotary Cutters can retrofit from PVC to PE or vice versa with alternate PLAS In-Line Rotary Pipe Cutter Blades.


*Bevel blade PLAS4B included with PVC models 04470, 04475, 04480 and 04485; can also be added to PE models. Contact REED for details.

**PLAS Cutter Specific Limitations for PE:
up to 14" pipe (355 mm) - 2" (51 mm) wall thickness
up to 18" pipe (500 mm) - 1 1/2" (38 mm) wall thickness
up to 28" pipe (800 mm) - 1" (25.4 mm) wall thickness


Exclusive Tool Video Training

Proprietary tool cuts square on even the largest plastic pipe up to 28” (800 mm).

Accessories & Common Parts


PLAS In-Line Rotary Pipe Cutter Blades


The complete collection of Reed Training Videos can be found under the Resources menu.

PLAS In-Line Rotary Pipe Cutters - Assembly


PLAS In-Line Rotary Pipe Cutters - Demonstration
